How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles- Complete Guide

Carpet beetles can be a real nuisance for homeowners. These tiny insects, also known as “fabric pests” feed on natural fibers and can cause significant damage to carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics in your home. The worst part is, they can be difficult to get rid of because they can lay eggs in hard-to-reach places and the larvae can be tough to spot.

However, the good news is that the best way to get rid of carpet beetles is to prevent them from infesting your home in the first place. In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about carpet beetles, including how to prevent them and what to do if you already have an infestation.

how to get rid of carpet beetles

What are carpet beetles and why are they a problem?

Carpet beetles are small insects that feed on natural fibers, such as wool, feathers, and fur. They can be found in a variety of colors, including black, brown, and white. The larvae of carpet beetles, also known as “woolly bears,” are covered in tiny hairs and are about 8 mm-12 mm long. They can be found in a variety of colors, including brown, white, and yellow.

Carpet beetles can be a problem for homeowners because they can damage carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics in your home. They are particularly attracted to natural fibers, so if you have items made of wool, feathers, or fur, they may be at risk. In addition to damaging your belongings, carpet beetles can also be difficult to get rid of because they can lay eggs in hard-to-reach places and the larvae can be tough to spot.

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Identifying Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles can be difficult to identify because they come in a variety of colors and sizes. Adult carpet beetles are small, round insects that are typically black, brown, or white in color. They have a hard exoskeleton and are covered in small hairs. The larvae are larger and can be found in a variety of colors, including brown, white, and yellow.

how to get rid of carpet beetles

To identify a carpet beetle infestation, look for the following signs:

  • Small holes in fabrics: Carpet beetles can cause small holes in fabrics, such as carpets, upholstery, and clothing.
  • Shed skins: Carpet beetle larvae shed their skins as they grow, so you may find shed skins in areas where there is an infestation.
  • Small, round insects: If you see small, round insects crawling on your fabrics or in your home, they may be adult carpet beetles.
  • Sticky or oily patches: Carpet beetles secrete a waxy or oily substance that can leave behind sticky or oily patches on fabrics.
how to get rid of carpet beetles
Beetle Larvae

How to prevent carpet beetles

The best way to get rid of carpet beetles is to prevent them from infesting your home in the first place. Here are some steps you can take to prevent a carpet beetle infestation:

  • Keep your home clean and free of clutter: Carpet beetles are attracted to dirty and cluttered homes because they provide plenty of hiding spots and food sources. By keeping your home clean and clutter-free, you can make it less attractive to carpet beetles.
  • Vacuum regularly: Regular vacuuming can help to remove any stray insects or eggs that may be present in your home. Be sure to pay extra attention to areas where carpet beetles are most likely to be found, such as under furniture and along baseboards.
  • Store natural fiber items properly: If you have items made of natural fibers, such as wool blankets or cotton curtains, be sure to store them properly. Use airtight containers to protect them from insects and keep them in a cool, dry place.
  • Use window screens: Window screens can help to keep carpet beetles (and other pests) out of your home. Be sure to check your screens regularly for holes or tears and repair them as needed.
  • Repair any damage to your home: Carpet beetles can enter your home through small cracks and holes in the foundation or walls. By sealing any cracks or holes, you can help to prevent them from getting in.
  • Keep your home well-ventilated: Carpet beetles thrive in warm, humid environments. By keeping your home well-ventilated, you can help to reduce the humidity levels and make it less attractive to these pests.
  • Use a dehumidifier: If you have a problem with high humidity in your home, consider using a dehumidifier to help reduce moisture levels. This can make it less attractive to carpet beetles and other pests.
  • Check your outdoor trash cans: Carpet beetles can be attracted to outdoor trash cans, so be sure to keep your trash cans clean and free of debris.
  • Avoid bringing infested items into your home: If you are purchasing used items, such as furniture or clothing, be sure to check for signs of a carpet beetle infestation before bringing them into your home.

How to get rid of carpet beetles if you already have an infestation

If you already have an infestation of carpet beetles, it can be more challenging to get rid of them. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Locate the source of the infestation: The first step in getting rid of carpet beetles is to locate the source of the infestation. Look for any signs of beetles or larvae, such as shed skins or small holes in fabrics.
  • Remove the beetles and larvae: Once you have located the source of the infestation, carefully remove any beetles or larvae you find. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any insects you can see, and dispose of the bag or container immediately to prevent the insects from escaping.
  • Wash or dry clean infested items: Any items that have been infested with carpet beetles should be washed or dry cleaned on the hottest setting possible to kill any remaining insects. This includes clothes, bedding, and other fabrics. If the item cannot be washed or dry cleaned, you can try placing it in a plastic bag and leaving it in the sun for a few days to kill the beetles.
  • Use a carpet beetle spray or powder: There are a number of commercial products available that can help to kill carpet beetles and their larvae. These include sprays and powders that can be applied to infested areas. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product carefully to ensure the best results.
  • Consider using a professional pest control service: If the infestation is severe, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively eliminate a carpet beetle infestation and can help to prevent future infestations.

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Home Remedy for Carpet Beetles

  1. Use a natural repellent: Some people have had success using natural repellents, such as essential oils, to get rid of carpet beetles. Peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil are two oils that are often recommended as natural repellents. You can mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it in areas where you have seen carpet beetles or their larvae.
  2. Use a homemade spray: You can also make your own spray to get rid of carpet beetles. Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and add a few drops of dish soap. Spray the mixture in areas where you have seen carpet beetles or their larvae.
  3. Use diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural, non-toxic powder that can be used to kill carpet beetles and their larvae. Sprinkle the powder in areas where you have seen the insects and their larvae, and vacuum it up after a few days.
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner: Vacuuming can be an effective way to get rid of carpet beetles and their larvae. Be sure to pay extra attention to areas where the insects are most likely to be found, such as under furniture and along baseboards.
  5. Use a clothes dryer: If you have clothing or other fabrics that have been infested with carpet beetles, you can try placing them in a dryer on the highest heat setting for at least 30 minutes to kill the insects. This can be an effective way to get rid of carpet beetles without having to wash or dry clean the items.

Chemicals Used in Removal of Carpet Beetles

There are a number of commercial products available that can help to get rid of carpet beetles and their larvae. These products usually contain chemicals that are toxic to insects and can be applied to infested areas to kill the beetles and their larvae. Common chemicals found in these products include:

  1. Pyrethrins: Pyrethrins are natural insecticides that are derived from the chrysanthemum flower. They are toxic to insects and can be used to kill carpet beetles and their larvae.
  2. Permethrin: Permethrin is a synthetic insecticide that is similar to pyrethrins. It is effective at killing a wide range of insects, including carpet beetles and their larvae.
  3. Deltamethrin: Deltamethrin is a synthetic insecticide that is effective at killing a wide range of insects, including carpet beetles and their larvae.
  4. Chlorpyrifos: Chlorpyrifos is a synthetic insecticide that is effective at killing a wide range of insects, including carpet beetles and their larvae.

Use these chemicals with caution and follow the instructions on the product carefully to ensure the best results and to avoid any potential risks to humans or pets. Tips for using these chemicals safely include:

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  1. Wear protective gear: When using any chemical product, it is important to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, to avoid coming into contact with the chemicals.
  2. Follow the instructions: Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the product label carefully. Mixing and dilution ratios are to be followed. This will ensure that you are using the product correctly and safely.
  3. Keep children and pets away: Keep children and pets away from the treated area until the chemicals have dried completely. This will help to prevent accidental ingestion or contact with the chemicals.
  4. Dispose of the product properly: Once you have finished using the product, be sure to dispose of it properly. This may involve disposing of it in a hazardous waste facility or according to the instructions on the product label.


Carpet beetles can be a real problem for homeowners, causing damage to carpets and other fabrics and being difficult to get rid of. However, by taking preventive measures, such as keeping your home clean and clutter-free, storing natural fiber items properly, and using window screens, you can help to prevent a carpet beetle infestation.

If you do have an infestation, there are steps you can take to get rid of carpet beetles, including locating the source of the infestation, removing the beetles and larvae, washing or dry-cleaning infested items, and using a commercial spray or powder. If the infestation is severe, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service. By following these steps, you can protect your home and belongings from the damaging effects of carpet beetles.


1. Can I get rid of carpet beetles using a natural or organic product?

There are a number of natural or organic products available that can help to get rid of carpet beetles and their larvae. These products are made from natural ingredients and are typically safer to use around humans and pets. Some natural or organic options include:

  • Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural, non-toxic powder that can be used to kill carpet beetles and their larvae.
  • Neem oil: Neem oil is a natural oil that can be used to kill a variety of insects, including carpet beetles.
  • Cedar chips or cedar oil: Cedar has natural insect-repelling properties, so using cedar chips or cedar oil may help to get rid of carpet beetles.
  • Boric acid: Boric acid is a natural substance that can be toxic to insects. You can sprinkle boric acid in areas where you have seen carpet beetles or their larvae.

2. Should I hire a professional pest control service to get rid of carpet beetles?

If you have a severe infestation of carpet beetles or if you are unable to get rid of the infestation using home remedies or commercial products, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively eliminate a carpet beetle infestation and can help to prevent future infestations.

Hiring a professional pest control service has a number of benefits:

  • They have access to professional-grade products: Pest control professionals have access to stronger, more effective products that may be more effective in getting rid of the infestation.
  • They know how to use the products safely: Pest control professionals are trained in the safe use of pest control products and can ensure that they are used correctly to avoid any risks to humans or pets.
  • They can identify the source of the infestation: Pest control professionals can help to identify the source of the infestation and provide recommendations for how to eliminate it.
  • They can provide ongoing protection: Some pest control companies offer ongoing service contracts to help protect your home from future infestations.

3. Can carpet beetles damage my home or possessions?

Yes, carpet beetles can damage your home or possessions. The larvae of carpet beetles feed on natural fibers, such as wool, fur, feathers, and silk. They can damage clothing, carpets, and other household items made of these materials. In addition, carpet beetles can damage the structural integrity of your home if they infest wood or other building materials.

4. Can carpet beetles damage my home or possessions?

Carpet beetles are not harmful to humans or pets. They do bite or sting, and they do not transmit diseases. However, the presence of carpet beetle can be a nuisance, and their larvae can cause damage to household items.

how to get rid of carpet beetles

5. Can I get rid of carpet beetles using traps?

Traps can be an effective way to get rid of carpet beetles, but they may not be practical for eliminating a large infestation. There are a few different types of traps that can be used to catch carpet beetles:

  • Sticky traps: Sticky traps are adhesive sheets that can be placed in areas where you have seen carpet beetles. The beetles will get stuck in the trap and will be unable to escape.
  • Pheromone traps: Pheromone traps use a synthetic hormone to attract male carpet beetles. The beetles will be trapped in the trap and will be unable to escape.
  • Ultraviolet traps: Ultraviolet traps use UV light to attract carpet beetles. The beetles are attracted to the light and will be trapped in the trap.

6. Can I use essential oils to get rid of carpet beetles?

Some people have had success using essential oils to repel carpet beetles. Essential oils that are commonly recommended for this purpose include peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil. To use essential oils to repel carpet beetles, mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it in areas where you have seen the beetles or their larvae. It is important to keep in mind that essential oils may not be as effective as commercial insecticides in getting rid of a large infestation, and they may need to be reapplied frequently to be effective.