how to store carpet

How To Store Carpet In Good Condition For Long

Do you have a brand new carpet that you’re not quite ready to install yet? Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon a great deal on a beautiful rug, or maybe you’re planning a home renovation that’s not quite ready for the finishing touches.

How To Store Carpet

Whatever your reason for holding off on installation, the next logical question is: how do you store your carpet to ensure it stays safe and damage-free until you’re ready to lay it down? You’re in luck because as experts in all things carpet care and maintenance, we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and tricks for storing your carpet properly so it stays in great condition until the day you’re ready to roll it out. So, let’s get started!

Preparing your carpet for storage

Vacuum the carpet before storing

The carpet might be old and you want to store it for some time to do some activities in your home such as renovation before you install it back.

Before you store your carpet, it’s paramount to make sure it’s clean and free of any dirt, dust, or debris.

Vacuuming the carpet thoroughly will help to remove any loose particles that could attract pests or cause stains, and an awful smell while in storage. Vacuum both sides of the carpet and pay extra attention to any high-traffic areas or spots that may be more prone to dirt buildup.

Roll the carpet tightly and secure it with twine or rope

Once you’ve cleaned your carpet, roll it up tightly starting from one end to the other. This will help to keep the carpet compact and prevent it from taking up too much space while in storage.

Use twine or rope to secure the roll and keep it from coming undone. Avoid using tape or plastic wrap, as these materials can cause damage to the carpet fibers over time.

Cover the carpet with a protective sheet or tarp

Finally, protect your carpet from dust, moisture, and other potential sources of damage while in storage. Use a heavy-duty protective sheet or tarp to cover the rolled-up carpet completely. Be sure to tuck in the edges of the sheet or tarp to prevent any gaps where dust or moisture could get in.

Choosing a storage location

1. Pick a location that is dry, cool, and out of direct sunlight

When choosing a location to store your carpet, pick a place that is dry and cool, with low humidity levels.

This will help to prevent moisture damage and mold growth, which can be a major problem for carpets that are stored in damp environments.

Keep your carpet out of direct sunlight, as UV rays can cause the colors to fade and the fibers to weaken over time.

2. Avoid storing carpet in damp areas or places with extreme temperatures

As mentioned above, moisture can be a major problem for carpets that are stored in damp areas, such as basements or garages.

These areas tend to have higher humidity levels, which can cause mold and mildew to grow on the carpet fibers.

Similarly, storing your carpet in areas with extreme temperatures, such as attics or unheated storage spaces, can cause the fibers to expand and contract, which can lead to warping and other types of damage.

3. Consider storing carpet off the ground to prevent moisture damage

To further protect your carpet from moisture damage, consider storing it off the ground. This can be done by placing the rolled-up carpet on a pallet, a set of shelves, or even a stack of bricks. Elevating the carpet off the ground will help to prevent it from absorbing moisture from the floor or ground, which can cause mold and mildew to grow on the fibers.

4. Choose pest-free place

To keep pests at bay, it’s important to store your carpet in a clean, dry location.

Pests are attracted to moisture and food sources, so make sure to avoid storing them in areas that are prone to moisture or humidity, such as basements. Before storing your carpet, clean the area thoroughly to remove any potential attractants.

You can also use pest deterrents such as mothballs, cedar chips, or essential oils to repel pests. Place them around the perimeter of the storage area to create a barrier that pests won’t want to cross.

However, be cautious when using these deterrents as some may cause allergic reactions or leave strong odors.

Storing carpet for short-term vs. long-term

Storage strategies for a few weeks vs. several months or years

The storage strategy you use for your carpet may depend on how long you plan to store it. If you’ll only be storing the carpet for a few weeks, you may be able to get away with rolling it up and covering it with a protective sheet or tarp.

However, if you plan to store the carpet for several months or years, you may want to consider taking additional precautions, such as storing it in a climate-controlled environment or using a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity levels in the storage area.

How To Store Carpet

Additionally, you may want to consider treating the carpet with a stain and moth repellent before storing it for an extended period of time.

Periodically checking on long-term storage to ensure the carpet is still in good condition

No matter how well you prepare your carpet for storage, there’s always a chance that it could sustain damage over time.

That’s why it’s important to periodically check on your carpet, especially if you’re storing it for a long period of time. Check for any signs of mold, mildew, or insect infestation, and make sure the protective covering is still in good condition. If you notice any signs of damage, take action immediately to prevent further damage from occurring.

Tips for preventing damage while storing carpet

Avoid stacking heavy items on top of stored carpet

One of the most common causes of damage to the stored carpet is the weight of other items that are stacked on top of it.

Heavy objects can compress the carpet fibers and cause them to become permanently flattened or distorted. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you store your carpet in a location where it won’t be crushed by other items.

If you do need to stack items on top of the carpet, make sure they are light and won’t cause any damage.

Store away from sharp objects

Sharp objects such as nails, screws, or tools can easily puncture or tear carpet fibers. To prevent this from happening, make sure to keep your stored carpet away from any sharp objects.

If you’re storing your carpet in a garage or workshop, make sure to keep it away from any tools or equipment that could cause damage.

How To Store Carpet

Additionally, you may want to consider placing a protective barrier between the carpet and any objects that could potentially damage it.

Don’t fold the carpet

Folding carpet for storage can cause permanent creases or wrinkles, making it difficult to lay flat once it’s removed from storage. Instead, roll the carpet tightly and secure it with twine or rope. This will help to prevent any damage to the fibers and ensure that the carpet is easy to use once it’s removed from storage.


In conclusion, proper storage of your carpet is essential to maintaining its quality and prolonging its lifespan.

By following the tips outlined in this post, such as vacuuming the carpet before storing, choosing a suitable storage location, and taking steps to prevent damage from pests and other factors, you can help ensure that your carpet remains in good condition for years to come.

Remember to consider the length of time you will be storing your carpet, and take appropriate measures for short-term or long-term storage. Periodically checking on your stored carpet is also important to catch any potential issues early on and prevent further damage.

Overall, with a little effort and attention to detail, you can successfully store your carpet and keep it in great condition until you’re ready to use it again.