will alcohol kill fleas on carpet

will alcohol kill fleas on carpet?

Flea infestations can be a frustrating and persistent problem for homeowners, especially when they occur on carpets. Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and can easily hide in the fibers of carpets, making them difficult to remove.

will alcohol kill fleas on carpet

There are a variety of methods that can be used to get rid of fleas on carpets, including vacuuming, using flea powders and sprays, and even professional extermination services.

However, one method that has been suggested as a possible solution is using alcohol to kill fleas on carpets. In this article, we will take a closer look at how alcohol affects fleas and the proper methods for applying it to carpets to effectively eliminate flea infestation.

Will alcohol kill fleas on carpet?

using alcohol to kill fleas on carpets can be effective in killing adult fleas, but it has several drawbacks that make it not a recommended solution. The fumes it produces can be harmful to inhale and it can be flammable, which can be dangerous if not handled properly.

The strong smell it leaves behind can make the house uncomfortable to stay in. Also, it’s limited in its effectiveness as it only targets adult fleas, it doesn’t address the eggs and larvae that may be present in the carpet.

How Alcohol Affects Fleas

Alcohol can be toxic to fleas because it dehydrates their bodies and disrupts their nervous system. When fleas come into contact with alcohol, it strips away the protective wax on their exoskeletons, causing them to lose moisture and eventually die.

The key to using alcohol to kill fleas is to ensure that it comes into direct contact with the insects, which can be achieved by applying it to the carpet and allowing it to sit for a certain period of time before vacuuming it up.

Different types of alcohol can be used for this purpose, including rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) and ethanol. Rubbing alcohol, which is typically 70% isopropyl alcohol, is the most commonly recommended type for killing fleas on carpets.

It is readily available, relatively inexpensive, and has a relatively low evaporation rate, which allows it to stay on the carpet for a longer period of time. Ethanol, which is commonly found in alcoholic beverages, can also be used, but it has a higher evaporation rate and may not be as effective.

Pro Tip Note that using too much alcohol can cause damage to the carpet and the fumes can be harmful to inhale,

Applying Alcohol to Carpet

When applying alcohol to a carpet to kill fleas, it is important to follow a few key steps to ensure that it is effective.

Step 1. Vacuum the carpet

First, the carpet should be thoroughly vacuumed to remove as many fleas and their eggs as possible.

Step 2. Spray the infested area

Next, the alcohol should be applied to the carpet in small sections, using a spray bottle or a cloth. It is important to saturate the carpet fibers so that the alcohol comes into direct contact with any remaining fleas.

will alcohol kill fleas on carpet

Step 3. Allow the alcohol to sit

Once the alcohol has been applied, it should be allowed to sit on the carpet for at least 30 minutes to allow it to dehydrate the fleas.

Step 5. Vacuum Again

The carpet should be vacuumed again to remove the dead fleas and any remaining alcohol.

Pro Tips: This process should be repeated if necessary until no more fleas are present.

when using alcohol on carpets test a small invisible area first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration or damage.

 Certain types of carpets, such as those made of natural fibers like wool, may be sensitive to alcohol and should be avoided

Use the alcohol in well-ventilated areas and avoid inhaling the fumes as it can be harmful. Finally, it’s important to keep alcohol out of reach of children and pets.

Reasons to discourage the use of alcohol on carpets

There are several reasons why using alcohol to kill fleas on carpets may not be recommended:

  • Carpet Damage: Alcohol can be harsh on carpets and can cause discoloration, shrinkage, or even stains of certain types of carpets.
  • Fumes: Alcohol has a strong smell and fumes that can be harmful to inhale. It should be used in a well-ventilated area and people and pets should avoid the area until the alcohol has evaporated and the fumes have dissipated.
  • Safety: Alcohol is flammable and should be kept away from heat sources and open flames.
  • Limited effectiveness: Alcohol may dehydrate and kill adult fleas but it does not address the eggs and larvae that may be present in the carpet. Flea eggs can survive in the environment for up to a year and regular vacuuming and using other flea control methods can help target them.
  • Other methods are available: There are other methods that can be used to remove fleas from carpets, such as vacuuming, using flea powders or sprays, and professional extermination, which may be safer and more effective.

Alternatives to Alcohol

will alcohol kill fleas on carpet
  • Vacuuming: Regular vacuuming is one of the most effective ways to remove fleas and their eggs from carpets. Thorough vacuuming can remove up to 50% of the fleas from a carpet, but it should be done regularly, as fleas can lay eggs in as little as 24 hours after vacuuming.
  • Flea Powders and Sprays: Flea powders and sprays can be used to kill fleas on carpets and in other areas of the home. These products typically contain insecticides that can be toxic to fleas and are usually applied to the carpet and left to sit for a certain period of time before vacuuming.
  • Professional Extermination: If a flea infestation is severe, it may be necessary to hire a professional exterminator. These professionals can use a variety of methods, such as pesticides and heat treatments, to effectively eliminate fleas from a home.


In conclusion, using alcohol to kill fleas on carpets can be effective, but it’s important to use it properly and safely. Alternatives such as vacuuming, flea powders and sprays, and professional extermination may be safer and more effective. It’s important to take a comprehensive approach when dealing with flea infestations, by using a combination of methods, and consulting with a professional if necessary.