how to get rid of fleas in the carpet

how to get rid of fleas in the carpet- Like a Pro

The bane of pet owners and clean freaks everywhere. These tiny, blood-sucking pests can make their way into the most immaculate of homes and set up shop in the most unsuspecting of places – like your beloved carpet. But fear not, for we are here to guide you through the treacherous terrain of flea infestation and emerge victorious on the other side. With a little bit of know-how and some elbow grease, you’ll be able to get rid of those pesky fleas in no time

how to get rid of fleas in the carpet

Why get rid of Fleas in carpets

Getting rid of fleas in the carpet is crucial for the health and well-being of both pets and humans.

 Fleas are not just a nuisance, but can also cause severe discomfort and health problems. For pets, flea bites can lead to itching, scratching, and biting, which can cause hair loss, skin irritation, and in severe cases, secondary skin infections. They might have a severe effect on human beings as compared to carpet moths and carpet beetles.

For humans, flea bites can cause itching, redness, and inflammation. Fleas can also carry diseases that can be transmitted to both pets and humans, such as the bubonic plague and cat scratch fever.

Moreover, fleas reproduce rapidly and can infest an entire house within a short period of time. A single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, which can easily lead to a full-blown infestation. So, not only do fleas cause discomfort, but they can also take over your home in no time.

Fleas in large numbers can stain your carpet with red blood spots.

Lastly, matured fleas are known to jump up to 8 inches, making it hard to get rid of them easily and preventing you from enjoying your home.

Have this in mind, fleas are not only a problem for pets, but also for humans, and it’s crucial to take immediate action to get rid of them in order to maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment.

Identifying the problem

The first thing you need to do before you can address the problem is detect the source. You cannot fight the unseen problem.

how to get rid of fleas in the carpet

So, how can you tell if you have a flea infestation on your carpet? Well, there are a few signs to look out for.

You’ll likely notice your pet scratching and biting at its skin more than usual. This is a classic symptom of flea bites.

Away from that you may start to see small, dark specks on your carpet – these are flea feces. And if you’re really lucky, you may even spot the fleas themselves, scurrying about in the fibers of your carpet.

But wait, before you start freaking out and declaring war on your carpet, it’s important to note that not all pests will show these signs.

Differentiate between fleas and other pests such as bed bugs, lice, and mites, as the treatment for each will be different.

For example, bed bugs are reddish-brown in color, while fleas are dark brown or black. And while fleas are tiny, around 2-3mm in length, bed bugs are larger, around 4-5mm long. Consult with a professional exterminator if you are unsure of the type of pest you are dealing with.

Pay attention to areas such as:

  1. Pet beds and rugs: Fleas will often infest the areas where pets sleep, such as pet beds, crates, and rugs. They can survive easily between the rug and carpet and create a big bleeding place.
  2. Furniture: Furniture, particularly upholstered furniture, can harbor fleas, especially in areas where pets spend a lot of time.
  3. Cracks and crevices: Fleas can enter a home through small cracks and crevices around windows and doors, and can hide in these areas.

Steps in getting rid of carpet fleas

Step 1. Vacuum

Start the home restoration process by performing vacuum cleaning. The vacuum cleaner’s suction power can help to remove adult fleas, eggs, and larvae from the carpet, which can help to reduce the number of fleas in your home.

When vacuuming, make sure to pay special attention to high-traffic areas and areas where your lovely pets spend most of their time, such as the living room, bedrooms, and any areas where your pets sleep.

If you have offered your pets rugs, also ensure to vacuum them thoroughly.

Also, ensure to do it under the furniture. The areas are frequently forgotten with the assumption that no traffics accesses the place.

Fleas may also multiply in large numbers in such places since they are cool and with fewer human disturbances.

Step 2. Treatment

After preparing for the battlefield it’s time to attack the four-legged enemies who have invaded our home and caused discomfort.

There are several options you can opt to treat your carpet with.

Option #1: Chemical Treatment.

Chemical treatments can be in the form of sprays, powders, or foggers.  Choose the best chemical that you find pocket friendly and also effective. You can obtain the chemicals in Stores.

Read the instruction carefully before you can apply. If the chemical need dilution which most of the cases apply to sprays adhere to the ratios strictly. Apply to the affected area gently.

how to get rid of fleas in the carpet

If the chemical is in powder form, spread it uniformly without leaving heaps.

Allow the treatment to take effect by giving it time. Some will need 30 minutes and some more time.

It is important to allow proper drying of the carpet to prevent mold from developing. After Drying vacuum clean to collect dead fleas.

Pro Tip Avoid using very strong chemicals they might stain or discolorize your lovely carpet

If chemicals are not your thing, there is another applicable solution worry less.

Option #2 Non-toxic treatments

One popular method is to use a solution of water and white vinegar. To use this method, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it onto the carpet.

Make sure to saturate the carpet thoroughly, paying special attention to areas where your pets spend most of their time. Leave the solution on the carpet for at least 30 minutes to an hour before vacuuming it.

Another non-toxic option is to use a mixture of salt and baking soda on your carpets. To use this method, mix equal parts salt and baking soda and sprinkle it onto the carpet.

Make sure to saturate the carpet thoroughly, paying special attention to areas where your pets spend most of their time. Leave the mixture on the carpet for at least 2 hours before vacuuming it

Bonus Tip: This option will work more effectively if the fleas have not infested for a long time

If the fleas do looks to be shaken by the above, consider trying another hot option.

Step 3. Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is another effective method to get rid of fleas in the carpet. The high temperatures generated by steam cleaning can kill both adult fleas and their eggs, helping to eliminate the infestation.

To use this method, you can either rent or buy a steam cleaner and do it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. When steam cleaning, make sure to attend to all places where you might have suspected fleas exist.

At times the fleas can be notorious and show no signs of ending. At this point, we advise you to call for assistance for experts.

Step 4. Professional exterminators

 It might be an expensive way, but trust me it is not expensive compared with living with fleas in your carpet. They can also advise on how to prevent future infestations.

Exterminators will also treat other areas of your home where fleas may be present, such as furniture, pet beds, and other areas where your pets spend time.

Step 5. Treat Your Pets

This might be a prevention measure but also an important stage in the treatment of already established flea infestation.

Fleas often infest a home through pets, as they can easily jump from an infested animal to your carpet. By treating your pets with flea-preventative medication, you can help to prevent new fleas from jumping onto your carpets and starting a new infestation.

Some common methods to prevent fleas on pets include:

  • Topical treatments: A liquid or ointment that is applied to the pet’s skin.
  • Oral medication: Pills that are given to the pet to ingest.
  • Collars: Flea collars that release chemicals to repel and kill fleas.

Consult with a veterinarian to determine which flea-preventative method which is best for your pet, as well as how often to apply or administer the treatment. Additionally, it’s important to regularly groom and check your pet for fleas, especially if you notice any signs of itching, scratching, or biting.

Preventive measures for future infestation

Preventing future flea infestations in the carpet is crucial, once you have eliminated the current infestation. Here are some preventative measures that you can take to help prevent future infestations:

  1. Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming at least once a week will help to remove any adult fleas, eggs, and larvae that may be present.
  2. Treat your pets: Continuously treat your pets with flea-preventative medication as recommended by a veterinarian.
  3. Maintain a clean environment: Keep your home clean by frequently washing pet bedding, vacuuming furniture and carpets, and dusting all surfaces.
  4. Seal off entry points: Seal off any entry points that fleas may use to enter your home, such as cracks and crevices around windows and doors.
  5. Check your yard: Keep your yard clean by mowing the lawn and removing debris and tall grass, fleas often live in these areas.
  6. Regular Pest control: Consider hiring a professional exterminator for regular flea control treatments.


How long does it take to get rid of fleas in the carpet?

The length of time it takes to get rid of fleas in the carpet can vary depending on the severity of the infestation. It can take several weeks to several months to fully eliminate a flea infestation. It’s important to be patient and persistent in your efforts to ensure that the fleas are eliminated completely.

Can fleas live on hardwood floors?

Fleas can live in a variety of environments, but they prefer to live in carpeted areas. Hardwood floors may not be as conducive to a flea infestation as carpets, but fleas can still survive in these areas.

Will fleas die in the winter?

Fleas can survive in a variety of temperatures, but they are less active in colder temperatures. However, fleas will not necessarily die off during the winter and can survive in homes that are heated.

Can fleas survive in extreme heat?

Fleas can survive in a variety of temperatures, but extreme heat can be fatal to them. High temperatures, such as those over 95°F, can kill adult fleas, larvae, and eggs. But it’s important to note that fleas can survive in moderate heat, so it’s not a guarantee to get rid of them.