how to shrink carpet bulge

how to shrink carpet bulge- Step By Step Guide

A carpet bulge is a raised area in a carpet that is caused by wrinkles or ripples in the carpet. This can occur due to improper installation, heavy furniture, or high traffic. Carpet bulges can be ugly and can also be a tripping hazard.

They can also cause the carpet to wear unevenly, leading to further damage and needing repairs or replacement earlier than expected. Carpet bulges can also affect the overall aesthetic of a room, making it look untidy and poorly maintained. In short, carpet bulges are a problem and can be dangerous, and can shorten the life of the carpet. Here is how to shrink carpet bulges.

Causes of Carpet Bulge

Improper installation

When a carpet is installed, it needs to be stretched tightly so that it lays flat and smooth. If the carpet is stretched tightly, it can cause wrinkles or ripples to appear over time. This is because the carpet fibers are stretched beyond their limit and can’t return to their original position.

If the carpet is not stretched enough during installation, wrinkles or ripples can also appear. This is because the carpet has not been stretched to its full potential, leaving excess carpet that can wrinkle or ripple. This can happen if the carpet installer doesn’t use the proper tools or techniques to stretch the carpet.

Also if the carpet is not properly secured to the tack strip, it can cause wrinkles or ripples to appear. This can happen if the tack strip is not installed correctly or if the carpet installer does not use enough tacks to secure the carpet in place.

Heavy Furniture

When heavy furniture such as a bed is placed on top of a carpet and left in the same spot for an extended period of time, the weight of the furniture can cause the carpet fibers to compress, resulting in a bulge.

The constant pressure applied by the furniture can cause the carpet to lose its shape and form wrinkles or ripples. This is particularly true for furniture that has legs or wheels, as they can cause concentrated pressure on one spot, exacerbating the problem.

It’s especially important to be aware of this issue with furniture that has legs or wheels, as it can be easy to overlook the potential damage they can cause to the carpet.

High Traffic

High-traffic areas in a home or office can cause carpet bulges to form. This is because the constant movement of feet and furniture across the carpet can cause the fibers to compress and wrinkle over time.

High-traffic areas such as hallways, entryways, and living rooms are particularly susceptible to this problem.

The constant friction and pressure applied to the carpet fibers by foot and furniture traffic can cause the carpet to lose its shape and form wrinkles or ripples. This is more likely to happen in areas where there is a lot of foot traffic


Exposure to water or moisture can cause damage to the carpet and can lead to the formation of carpet bulges. When the carpet padding becomes saturated with water or moisture, it can cause the padding to expand, which can in turn cause the carpet to bulge.

Moisture can come from various sources, such as leaks, spills, or even high humidity. If the carpet is exposed to water or moisture and is not properly cleaned and dried, it can cause mold and mildew to grow, which can further damage the carpet and cause it to bulge.

It’s important to take immediate action when the carpet is exposed to water or moisture. It’s crucial to remove as much water as possible and dry the carpet and padding thoroughly. If the carpet is not dried properly, it can cause the padding to become saturated, leading to bulging and the growth of mold and mildew.


The subfloor is the surface that the carpet is laid on and if it’s not even, it can cause bulges to form in the carpet. If the subfloor is uneven, it can create an uneven surface for the carpet to lay on, causing wrinkles or ripples to form. This can happen if the subfloor is not properly leveled or if it’s made of uneven material.

For example, if the subfloor is made of wood, it can warp over time due to changes in temperature and humidity, causing the carpet to bulge. Similarly, if the subfloor is made of concrete, it can crack or settle over time, causing the carpet to bulge.

In addition, if the subfloor is not properly prepared before the carpet installation, it can cause unevenness. For example, if the subfloor is not cleaned and leveled before the carpet is laid, it can cause the carpet to bulge.

Tools needed to shrink bulge carpet

The following tools are commonly used in the process of removing a carpet bulge:

  1. Carpet knife: a specialized tool used for cutting carpets.
  2. Carpet kicker: a tool used for stretching carpet.
  3. Carpet seam iron: a tool used to melt the edges of the carpet fibers together, effectively sealing the cut and preventing fraying.
  4. Carpet roller: a tool used to press the carpet fibers down and ensure that the carpet is smooth and wrinkle-free.
  5. A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment: is used to remove fibers and debris from the carpet after the cutting and stretching process is complete.
  6. Chalk or marker: Used to locate and mark the center of the bulge.
  7. Furniture sliders or pads: distribute the weight of the furniture more evenly, reducing the risk of carpet bulges.

How to shrink carpet bulge step by step

Step 1. Locating the carpet bulge

how to shrink carpet bulge

 Locate the bulge before attempting to shrink it. The easiest way to do this is to mark the center of the bulge with a piece of chalk or a marker.

This will give you a reference point to work from as you begin to cut and stretch the carpet. It will also help you to see if the bulge has been effectively removed once the process is complete.

Step 2. Make a cut

Once you have located and marked the center of the bulge, the next step is to make a small cut in the carpet. This is typically done using a carpet knife, which is a specialized tool used for cutting carpets.

how to shrink carpet bulge

Make the cut as small as possible and only cut through the carpet and not the padding underneath. This will help minimize the amount of cutting and stretching that needs to be done, which in turn will minimize the risk of damage to the carpet.

Ensure to be precise and to only cut the specific area of the bulge. Make sure that the cut is straight. This will help you make an invisible joint easily.

Step 3. Stretch the carpet

Once you have made the small cut in the carpet, the next step is to stretch the carpet using a tool called a carpet kicker which composes of two metal prongs and a handle.

Pro Tip: To use a carpet kicker, insert the prongs into the carpet on either side of the cut, making sure that they are placed deep enough to grip the carpet securely.

how to shrink carpet bulge

Then, use the handle to pull the prongs towards you, stretching the carpet as you go. Keep a steady, consistent pressure on the carpet as you stretch it, being careful not to stretch it too much or too little.

Step 4. Seal the cut

how to shrink carpet bulge

After stretching the carpet to remove the bulge, the next step is to seal the cut in the carpet. This is done using a carpet seam iron. A carpet seam iron ensures an effective sealing of the cut and prevents fraying.

Pro Tip: To use a carpet seam iron, first turn it on and allow it to heat up. Then, position the iron over the cut in the carpet and press down firmly.

The heat from the iron will melt the fibers together, sealing the cut. It’s important to apply consistent pressure and move the iron slowly along the cut, ensuring that all of the fibers are properly melted and sealed.

Be careful when using a carpet seam iron, as the iron gets very hot and can burn the carpet if not used properly.

Note: It’s best to use a professional carpet installer to do this job if you are not confident in doing it yourself.

After using the carpet seam iron, the cut should be nearly invisible and the carpet should be smooth and wrinkle-free.

Read: Should You Tip Carpet Installers?

Step 5. Carpet rolling

how to shrink carpet bulge

After sealing the cut with a carpet seam iron, the next step is to press the carpet back into place. This is done using a carpet roller, which presses the carpet fibers down and ensures that the carpet is smooth and wrinkle-free.

Pro Tip: To use a carpet roller, position it over the seam and press down firmly. Move the roller back and forth along the seam, applying consistent pressure to ensure that the carpet fibers are pressed down and the seam is properly set.

Using a carpet roller after using the carpet seam iron, will help to ensure that the fibers are properly aligned and the seam is secure. It also helps to “set” the seam and make it less noticeable.

Ensure to use a carpet roller gently to avoid crushing the carpet fibers and creating new wrinkles.

Note: It’s best to use a professional carpet installer to do this job if you are not confident enough to do it on your own.

Step 6. Vacuuming the Area

 Finally, it’s important to vacuum the area to remove any fibers or debris that may have been caused by the cutting and stretching process. This will help to ensure that the carpet is clean and free of debris and will also help to restore the natural texture and appearance of the carpet.

It is worth noting that this process may not always fix the carpet bulge permanently and in some cases, the damage may be irreversible and the carpet may need to be replaced.

This process requires time, patience, and some expertise.

Pro Tip: It’s recommended to hire a professional carpet installer to shrink a carpet bulge. Experts will have all the tools required. It might be somehow expensive but not as compared to you buying the required tools. They will also ensure to do a good job

How to prevent carpet bulges

  1. Proper installation: Make sure that the carpet is installed correctly and stretched tightly to prevent wrinkles and ripples from appearing. Hire a professional carpet installer to ensure that the carpet is installed properly and to avoid any issues with improper installation.
  2. Furniture placement: Avoid placing heavy furniture on top of the carpet for long periods of time, and regularly move the furniture around to prevent carpet fibers from becoming permanently compressed. Use furniture sliders or pads to distribute the weight of the furniture more evenly.
  3. Regular cleaning and maintenance: Regularly vacuum and clean the carpet to remove dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate and cause damage over time.
  4. Address spills and leaks immediately: If the carpet is exposed to water or moisture, it’s important to take immediate action and remove as much water as possible and dry the carpet and padding thoroughly.
  5. Proper humidity control: Keep the humidity levels in your home at a reasonable level to prevent moisture-related damage to the carpet. You can use a dehumidifier if you suspect abnormal humidity in the house.
  6. Watch out for high-traffic areas: Be mindful of high-traffic areas in your home, and take steps to minimize the foot traffic these areas receive.
  7. Regular inspection of the subfloor: Make sure the subfloor is level and in good condition before installing the carpet. Address any issues with the subfloor before installing the carpet.
  8. Regularly rotate your carpet: Rotating your carpet can help to ensure even wear and can help prevent the formation of wrinkles and bulges.
  9. Replacement of Carpet: If the carpet is old enough to be replaced, you can count on a replacement as an amicable solution to preventing wrinkles and ripples. Old Carpets will have a high tendency of bulging.  A change is as good as a rest


How often should I rotate my carpet?

It’s recommended to rotate your carpet every 12 to 18 months to ensure even wear and prevent the formation of wrinkles and bulges.

Is it necessary to hire a professional to remove a carpet bulge?

While it is possible to remove a carpet bulge on your own, it’s best to hire a professional carpet installer for the job as they have the proper tools and knowledge to do the job correctly, and can advise on whether the carpet needs to be replaced or not.

How long does it take to remove a carpet bulge?

The time it takes to remove a carpet bulge can vary depending on the severity of the bulge and the size of the area affected. On average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.

Will cutting and stretching the carpet damage it?

If done correctly, cutting and stretching a carpet should not cause significant damage. However, if the carpet is stretched too much or not enough, it can cause damage, and it’s best to hire a professional to do the job correctly.

Will a carpet bulge return after it’s been repaired?

If the cause of the carpet bulge is not addressed, it is possible for the bulge to return. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to prevent carpet bulges from forming, such as proper installation, regular cleaning and maintenance, addressing spills and leaks immediately, and proper humidity control.